WebDriver Methods

Methods inside WebDriver

WebDriver methods explained:

Now we know WebDriver object is a java object representation of the browser, we can use methods inside it and interact with our web browser.


  1. This is the method that we user to open a URL in the browser.

  2. This method accept a string parameter which will be the URL the we want to open

  3. URL should be well structured (meaning with the protocol either http:// or https://)




  1. This method return the current URL that is open in the browser as String.

Example: here

String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl();


  1. This method returns the title of the current page that is opened in the browser.

  2. This will be the value of <title> tag inside the <head> section of the current page source.

Example: here

String title = driver.getTitle();


  1. This method with return the whole html of the page as String.

Example: here

String source = driver.getPageSource();
  1. This method helps navigating in the browser based on it's history. Like forward, back, refresh, navigating to some URL etc.,)

Example: here



  1. This method closes the main window but it'll not close other windows.

Example: here



  1. This method closes all open windows.

Example: here


findElement(By by)

  1. This method finds the particular element in the page which matches the given locator mechanism mention inBy .

  2. If the specified locator mechanism is matching more than one element then Selenium will always selects the first one to appear in the page source.

WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.name("q"));
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.id("submit-button"));

findElements(By by)

  1. This method finds the list of all elements in the page which matches the given locator mechanism mention inBy .

List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements(By.className("q"));
List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElement(By.tagName("a"));

By is a class in selenium library which has static methods with all the locator mechanisms.

Example: By.id, By.name, By.cssSelector etc.,

To know more about locators Here

Last updated

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